
Meet Monet

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If you’re a shop regular, it’s almost impossible that you haven’t run into Monet and her adorable shadow, Jeffrey the Bully. The pair are Gastown and Vancouver Club staples. But maybe you only come in on Tuesdays, or maybe you’re a new customer looking to learn who gives the best fade. Whatever the case, if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting these partners in crime, this blog will give you a little introduction to the queen of JD’s Barbershop and her English bulldog.

Monet got her start with the clippers in a roundabout way. An aunt that works in Costuming took her under her wing. This led to a gig doing costuming for the Vancouver Olympics. Monet was expecting to do makeup and style for the performers, until someone pushed a pair of scissors into her hands and said, “Okay, you’re doing hair!” It was a bit of a shock, but it was a high intensity introduction to a career that she would fall in love with. Before long, she switched from costuming and makeup to learning to cut hair, and soon after that Judah was pressing Monet to join the team. He taught her all his tricks and introduced more and more clients, until he managed to steal her away from the salon she was working at, and she became a full time staff member. Six years later, she’s a shining part of the JD’s experience, with her bold, ever-changing hair colours and infectiously friendly personality.

If you’re looking for a speciality, Monet can do it all; ghostly fades, badass braids, and vivid colour. But her favourite cut? She calls it the Mr. Steal-Your-Girl. The kind of cut where a gentleman strolls down from the Bar Lounge and decides it is high time to upgrade his style. Jeffrey lounges at the chair’s feet, lording over a barbell he pinched from the Club’s gym. Scotch in hand, and hip hop classics playing through the speakers, our gentleman asks Monet for a suggestion. The clippers buzz to life, the scissors snip, and thirty minutes later, our gentleman looks into the mirror to see a clean, high fade into lengthy, textured locks. A bit of pomade and careful styling, and he leaves with a look that’ll make his wife say “Oh damn,” and his coworker ask “Where can I get one?”

When pressed to share her favourite part of working for JD’s, she split her answer into two parts. She loves the feeling that her clients come away with after a fresh cut—that newfound identity from switching styles, whether it’s adding cornrows to a housewife or giving a clean buzz. But she also loves the casual, neighbourhood vibe. JD’s has been around a long time now, a tried and true part of Gastown. Most modern barbershops are trying too hard to be your granddaddy’s shop, faking a legacy when they’ve really only been open since last month. There’s something comfortable, relaxed, and familiar about JD’s. Newcomers are treated like the regulars and the regulars are treated like family.


We know you’re probably eager to book a Mr. Steal-Your-Girl cut and meet Monet for yourself, so give us a call soon. While you’re waiting for your appointment, best to follow @momomonets and keep up with the Space Punk Pop Art Ice Queen.


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